Modeling of Rectangular Waveguide without Infinite Flange.
Abdessalem Kaddouri |
Video-Based Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models and 2D Discrete Cosine ransform: Application to (VIDTIMIT database).
Beldi Makrem |
Computerized System For Lung Nodule Detection in CT Scan Images by using Matlab.
Mabrukah Edrees Fadel |
A hybrid Wavelet transform with SOM and soft kNN ensemble Classifier for Single Sample Face Recognition.
Imen Mbazaâ |
Face recognition approach combining Discrete wavelet transform and Self-organizing maps.
Imen Mbazaâ |
A comparative study of multiscal geometric Analysis for SAR image compression.
Amel Bouchemha |
Improved vehicle detection system based on customized HOG.
Haythem AMEUR |
Implementation of real time edge detection system for HD video on Zynq.
Haythem AMEUR |
Online Arabic Character Recognition Using Global And Local Features.
Houda Nakkach |
FPGA Implementation of Real-Time System for Detection of Human Activity.
Kamal Sehairi |
A collaborative and voice configured electric powered wheelchair control system based on EEG and head movement.
Novel Miniaturized Multiband and Wideband PIFA Antenna for Wireless Applications.
Siemens Profinet IO System for Academic Purposes.
Othman Bensaoud |
Age-dependent maintenance planning based on P-time Petri Nets for Seaport equipments.
Anis Mhalla |
Data decryption temperature sensor used in radiotherapy services applying neural networks.
Fuzzy logic modeling of the effect of a Stain Repellency treatment on knitted fabrics.
Preliminary Study of Gasification of Sawdust.
Salem Fethya |
Design and control of Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot.
Sabri-M Ben Mansour |
Symmetric encryption algorithm image for wireless multimedia sensor network.
Amina Msolli |