Multi Levels Wavelet Decompositions for Off-line Signatures Verification
Rabeb Ben Abdelbaki#1, Hamid Amiri |
Determination of Five Parameters of PV Module
Using Iterative Method
Khaoula Omrani, Ameni Kadri, Faouzi Bacha |
Routability-Driven Timing optimization
Safia HAKIM, Mr Hassan BERBIA |
Attitude Control Design using Adaptive Generalized
Dynamic Inversion for Multi-rotor Aerial Vehicle
Uzair Ansari,Abdulrahman H. Bajodah |
Fixed-Time Tracking Control of Chained-form
Nonholonomic System with External Disturbances
Pipit Anggraeni, Michael Defoort, Mohamed Djemai, Zongyu Zuo |
Consensus of Double-Integrator Multi-Agent
Systems Using Decentralized Model Predictive
Pipit Anggraeni, Michael Defoort, Mohamed Djemai, Aries Subiantoro, Abdul Muis |
Design and Control of Biomechanical Leg
for Enhanced Human-like Walking
Zaier Riadh, Omer ElDirdiry, Mohamed A. Sayari |
Automatic Semi Algorithmfor the Detectionof Micro
calcificationsin the Mammogram
Mohamed Ali Hamdi |
Dtc of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Power System Based on Rotor Flux Estimation
Ameni Kadri,Hajer Marzougui, Khaoula Omrani, Faouzi Bacha |
Design of a Flight Control System Based On HILS Test Platform
Daw M. Al-Zentani,Amer Zerek, Ali Mohamed Elmelhi |