ACO-based Constrained Optimal Control
of Switched Linear Systems
with Finite Time Horizon
Ahmed Anis Kahloul, Anis Sakly |
Multiple fault diagnosis method for discrete event systems
Bochra Maaref ,Hedi Dhouibi , Zineb Simeu Abazi, Hassani Messaoud |
A Virtual Platform for Signal Processing Analysis
Dedicated to the Monitoring and Diagnosis of
Electrical Machines
A. Benhadj Ammar , Y. Gritli, M. Benrejeb |
A comprehensive overview of Islanding Detection Methods
for PV inverter tied to the utility grid
Jihed HMAD, Hafedh TRABELSI, Sabri RHILI |
Dynamic performance of an HVDC link based on
protection function against commutation failures
Normal Distribution Transform with Point
Projection for 3D Point Cloud Registration
Mouna Attia, Yosr Slama |
Parameters estimation of single-diode Photovoltaic module/array using least square estimator: A comparative study
Albert Ayang, René Wamkeue, Mohand Ouhrouche, Ndjakomo Essiane Salomé, Noel Djongyang |
A Comparison Between PWM and Petri Nets Control Applied for Series Multi-cells Chopper
Mohamed Lamine HAMIDA, Hakim DENOUN, Arezki FEKIK, Nabil BENYAHIA, Mustapha ZAOUIA, Nacereddine BENAMROUCHE |
Analyzing Clustering Validation Measures based on a New Paradigm
J.C. Rojas-Thomas, M. Santos , N. Duro, V. López, M. Mora |
Adaptive Neuro Control for Altitude Stabilization of UAVs
Jesús Enrique Sierra, Matilde Santos, Victoria Lopez |
Diagnosis of hybrid systems through
Neural Networks and Timed Automata
Design of an Internal Model Control strategy for Grid
side Converter for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Asma Hammami, Imen Saidi, Dhaou Soudani |
Non-invasive glucose measurement based on NIR spectrum and regression method
Ghozzi Dorsaf, Manai Yacine, Nouri Khaled |
Triple Band Slotted Microstrip Antenna with CPW-fed for WiMAX ,RADALT and WLAN Applications
Nafaa M. Shebani, Nora K. Alakari, Ragda R. Aledrisy |
Effect of Power Amplifier Nonlinearity on M-ary FSK Modulation Using Two Different Media.
Fathia Abdusalam Hussain , Mohamed M. M. Elfituri, Amer Ragab Zerek |
Modelling and Performances Analysis of WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN OFDM Physical Downlink
Fareda Ali Elmaryami |
Estimation of rain attenuation based on ITU-R Model
for Terrestrial link in Libya
Nafaa M. Shebani, Abdalnaser F. kaeib, Amer R. Zerek |
Feature extraction for everyday life sounds
Leila Abdoune, Mohamed Fezari |
High Performance 94 GHz Holes-backed Integrated Antennas Fed by Inset Tapered Microstrip Line
Adel Saad Emhemmed, Daw Ali Mohamed, Mahmoud Mohamed Almodi |
PID Controller Tuning using Genetic Algorithms
for uncertain system with delay
Barhoumi Lobna, SaidiImen,Chemori Ahmed, Soudani Dhaou |
Feature extraction for everyday life sounds
Leila Abdoune, Mohamed Fezari |
Direct Power control for tree phase active parallel power filter using Sliding mode technique
Tahar Hallabi, Ibtissam Lachkar ,Saad Lissane Elhaq |
QOS and scalability evaluation in SDN and Ethernet networks using OMNET4.6 simulator
Fatima LAASSIRI, Mohamed MOUGHIT,Noureddine IDBOUFKER |
A Neural Model Reference Adaptive Controller
Algorithm for Nonlinear Systems
Sabrine Slama, Ayachi Errachdi, Mohamed Benrejeb |
An Average Current Control for SEPIC LEDs Driver
with Unit PF and Low THD
Latifa Bachouch, Lotfi Bouslimi, Lilia El Amraoui, Georges Zissis |