Revue internationale de Commande ; d'Energie et de Génie électrique
Janvier - Mars 2014, Issue 1
Maximum Power Point Tracking For Photovoltaic Systems: A Comparison Between GAs and PSO Approaches
M. Bechouat, Y. Soufi, S. Kahla, B.Guendouz, M. Sedraoui |
On -Off Control based Particle Swarm Optimization for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Sami Kahla,Youcef Soufi, Moussa Sedraoui, Mohcene Bechouat |
Numerical Heat and Mass Transfer Investigation ofHydrogen Absorption in an Annulus-Disc Reactor
Ali Boukhari, Rachid Bessaïh, Merouane Zedayria |
Direct Torque Control for Switched ReluctanceMotor (6/4) powered by PV array
B. Goumeidane, D. Rahem, A .Haddoun and T. Bahi |
Preparation and thermal characterization ofParaffin / Red Brick composite as a novel formstablephase change material for thermal energystorage
Souad Khedache, Said Makhlouf, Dihia Djefel, Gilles Lefebvre, Laurent Royon |
Modeling and control of a permanent magnet Synchronous generator driven by a wind turbine
LADIDE Saad, HIHI Hicham and FAIT AH Khalid |
Modelling and simulation of InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs substrate for optical performances enhancing.
Performance Comparison of PI and IP Controllers Used to Control a DC Machine Powered by a Photovoltaic Generator
Abdelhak Bouchakour, Abdelhalim Borni, Layachi Zaghba , Mostéfa Brahami, Hadj Mahammed Idriss |
Comparative studies between wind turbine active/reactive power control
Azzeddine Dekhane,Abdallah Abderrezak |
Maximum Power Point Tracking for Wind Energy
Conversion System
Omessaad Elbeji, Mouna Ben Hamed, Lassaad Sbita |
Using of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to find the optimal power flow Case study (the 23 bus Serbian system)
Mohamed B. Jannat, Aleksander Saviĉ, Jamal S. abdulmalek